Open an account

To open a savings account and become a member of Liberty Credit Union please confirm the following:

  1. You live or work in the Borough of Havering, Barking & Dagenham or Redbridge;
  2. You can provide two forms of identification eg utility bills or driving licence along with your application form (original documents not copies);
  3. You are happy to pay a £2 deduction from your first deposit to help towards our administrative costs.

You can now sign up using our secure online form – please click here

Apply online now!

You can also download and print the application form below, fill it in
and take it to your local branch.

Download our Savings Application Form

Liberty Credit Union Ltd. is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Company No. 219796

© 2025 – Liberty Credit Union